Abortions, cont., Page 4

Also, with Bush as president, I’m beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. Exit polls showed that morality was high in the minds of the majority of voters.

As you may know, Bill Clinton, when president, with one stroke of his pen, condemned to death thousands of babies yearly, who otherwise would have lived, when he vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions. There are no words to describe the awesome barbarity of partial-birth abortions. It's enough to make you sick.

Many call partial-birth abortions, infanticide. This is just a palatable and sugar coated way to say MURDER. Only 13 Democratic Senators voted to ban it. On the other hand, 51 Republican Senators voted for the ban. 80% of the American people wanted it banned, but the Democratic party just doesn't care what the American people want. They receive millions of dollars from the Abortion Industry and the Hollywood Filth Industry.

I don't know why the Democratic party has embraced the "culture of death, " which is why I got out of it years ago. They don't even flinch when babies are killed when they are 3/4 born. It's as if satan has permeated the minds and souls of the bulk of the Democratic party, OR, they just don't have any sense of common decency.

There is NO issues as important as the abortion issue. Here, we are dealing with life and death. You can take all the other issues and lump them all together and still they would not be as important.

The Abortion Industry, Kerry, and the Democrats said the ban didn't allow an exemption in rare cases, when it is needed to protect a woman's health. This is pure "garbage"; it is never needed. It is NOT an emergency procedure. Other methods are better and faster. Even so, there was a clause in the ban that it could be done to save the life of the mother, but even this wasn't good enough.

A women's health clause would include anything. Such a "broad catch all" would be no problem for any doctor to overcome, especially if it's the abortionists, who make a living from killing children.

She can even say, "I just know this pregnancy is going to make me nervous," or "since I have been pregnant I have been feeling nauseated," or a thousand other excuses. The unmitigated gall of Democrats; to insist on a worthless clause in the ban is an insult to jurisprudence and the American people. You might as well have NO ban.

The truth is, they didn't want this gruesome procedure banned, in order to pay back Hollywood, the abortion industry, feminists groups and all the other self indulgent people who supported them with money and votes. They wanted this option open in case a woman changes her mind late in her pregnancy, she can still have her baby killed, "legally." This is tragic and it is sick.

To allow defenseless viable babies to be killed when they're 3/4th born, for money and votes, has got to be one the most diabolic and repugnant acts ever done, by any person who has walked the face of this earth, second only to killing all babies at any age, while still in the comfort of their mother’s womb.

The abortion industry and their advocates have the Democratic Party in their hip pocket. Isn't the killing of 1.4 million children in earlier terms, every year, enough to satisfy these people? Did they have to make satan even happier by signing the death warrants for about 40,000 of these innocent precious children while they were being born, under the Clinton administration? This is how low the liberal Democratic Party has sunk.

In these late term abortions, the entire baby is delivered except for the head, which they make sure stays in the birth canal (otherwise it would be murder); then the back of the baby's head is punctured with scissors, a catheter is inserted, and the baby's brains are sucked out with a powerful machine.

Reliable studies have shown that babies suffer excruciating pain when they are killed at 20 weeks gestation and after, some studies indicate even earlier. Even this fact didn’t disturb the Clinton/Gore administration.

Nurses, who have worked in these death camps, say they became sick and had to quit. They tell of some babies being born intact (including head), then killed by drowning, or other methods and they watched in horror, as the babies fought for their lives.

Newly born intact babies are more lucrative, when their parts and organs are sold to the highest bidder.

The Journal Of The American Medical Association (8-26-98 issue) featured an article stating that partial-birth abortion is unsafe for pregnant women, painful for unborn children and unethical because of questions about fetal viability.

Many animals are given an anesthetic when they are killed in late term. Human beings are given nothing, because the pro-choicers don't want to admit that they are condoning the killing of sentient human beings. They act as if they will not have to answer to God, Who will judge us all, not only for our own personal sins, but the sins we allow by our silence.

Even if people don't believe in God, you'd think they would want it banned just out of a sense of common decency.
The problem is -- even though most Americans people want PBA banned, the majority do not know the exact procedure and when they do, they are horrified.

Even the Media will not describe the truth, since most are liberal and will do NOTHING to harm the Abortion Industry. It is up to the pro-lifers to get the truth out.
They are so afraid that if they lose on partial-birth abortions that all their killings might eventually be taken away from them. Isn't that something? They would rather have about 5,000 children suffer excruciating pain and killed every year on a CHANCE.

This is where legalized abortions on demand have led. They have taken self-indulgence to a new and sickening low. Again that deadly virus, liberalism.

We are no longer a civilized society. We are a present day Sodom and Gomorrah and we all know what God did to that society. That culture of yesteryear has nothing on us.

Not only are we in their class of immorality, but we have overmatched them in the killing of our young. We will NEVER be a great country again, as our founding fathers envisioned, until we revert back to respecting the sanctity of human life from CONCEPTION to the GRAVE.

We were told by Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures to help the sinner find his way to God and to sin no more. So if we sit idly by and do not try to stop the slaughter of unborn babies, which is a sin, then WE will have to answer to God. It WILL be our sin.

So, when you say, a woman should have the choice to kill her unborn, then in reality, you are sanctioning the taking of a human life, a sin. This support and encouragement acts as an authoritative permission, which influences women to kill their unborn babies. Thus, pro-choicers are a party to these mass killings and a great delight to satan.

We MUST remember: to be pro-choice is to condone a sin of great magnitude, the taking of a human life. For us to condone a sin of this magnitude, and by voting for pro-abort officials to high places, we must ask, WILL GOD allow such a person to enter into the kingdom of heaven? To kill a human being inside or outside of the womb, it's all the same.

Since the pro-choicers could not disprove that unborn babies are human beings, they started grasping for straws: what to do now? So, they decided to latch onto the word "person." Never mind that dictionaries define person as a "human being." They think if they yell loud and long enough, they can get the writers of dictionaries to change the meaning of words, just to suit their agenda, just as psychiatric books once proclaimed that homosexuality was an abnormal lifestyle and they should be treated accordingly.

Thanks to liberals, this sexual perversion was taken out of the psychiatric books and thus thousands of our young men continue to die every year, because of AIDS. Can there be any doubt that our country has earned the title, "The Culture of Death? " Again, the deadly virus of liberalism.

However, I can understand the pro-choicer’s decision to have an alternate conceptualization of reality. When you're a party to the killing of over 45 million unborn children over the past 32 years, you'd better make up reasons that you can live with on this Earth, because in the next world, we will all be standing before God and there will be NO excuses for the taking of a human life, or the CONDONING of the taking of that life, better known as PRO-CHOICE.

Frank Joseph MD
Email: DFjosephMD
