Abortion Vs Childbirth
Planned Parenthood and all the other abortion clinics tell women that abortions are safer than childbirth. This is far from the truth. The consequences of an abortion are staggering. All of the evidence points to the fact that interfering with mother nature may be tantamount to signing one’s own death warrant. I have tried to put the following in simple terms, so that the average lay person as well as those in the medical profession can understand. There are seven aspects to consider:

Aspect No. 1 - Abortions increase the risk of breast cancer

Naturally, the billion dollar abortion industry and their supporters deny this, but the evidence is overwhelming. It reminds one of the tobacco industry. How many women have to die before they are warned of this risk prior to an abortion?

It was known before 1974 that a full-term pregnancy at a young age substantially protects against breast cancer. The longer the time to her first full term delivery, the greater the risk.

Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health warned in 1986 that "induced abortions before a first full term pregnancy increases the risk of breast cancer." However, they will NOT tell the public, "Abortions increase the risk of breast cancer." It's time to put women's lives ahead of greed and politics so that women who've had abortions can take steps to reduce their risks and seek early detection of the disease.

The first question a doctor should ask a patient who comes in for a breast exam is, "did you ever have an abortion?" and the second is, "is there a history of breast cancer in your family?" If the answer is afirmative to both of these questions, the doctor had better take extra precautions and use every diagnostic tool at his disposal.

According to Harvard researchers each one year delay increases relative breast cancer risk by 3.5 per cent. The following table shows the increase in BC risk vs. number of years of delay in a first full-term birth.

 Number of years delay in term birth  1  3  5  10  15  20
 % increase in relative BC risk  3.5    10.8    19.0    41.2    68.0    99.2 

Last year the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a warning to its abortion providers by saying that the abortion/breast cancer risk "could not be disregarded." Why weren't women told?

The media floods us with minor risks of cancer, but of a serious and the most avoidable risk, abortions, they tell us nothing.

When a first time pregnant teenager has an induced abortion, does she know for sure when she'll have her first term birth? No, and neither does the abortionist. Her first term birth could be one year away, or ten, fifteen, or twenty years away. If the induced abortion procedure has the side-effect of sterilization, she'll enter a high breast cancer risk group: childless women. Thus, abortionists MUST warn women about TOTAL breast cancer risk including the delayed first birth risk, but they DON'T

So, when young girls have an abortion, they are NOT making their lives easier. Their problems are just beginning. If they do not want the baby, they should have the baby and give it up for adoption. There are lines of people who want to adopt and will pay for all medical and hospital bills. There are also agencies which will give shelter and medical assistance to pregnant girls/women.

A term birth actually saves the lives of pregnant girls/women (on a NET basis). Clearly, elective induced abortion is incalculably more dangerous than childbirth, in just this ONE aspect alone, HOWEVER, there are six more aspects to go. The ACS (American Cancer Society) also confirms that an interruption of the first pregnancy WILL increase the risk of breast cancer, but they still will NOT say so publicly.

There are TWO independent 'ABC' (Abortion-Breast-Cancer) risks.

1) - Delayed first full term birth, which was just discussed and which no one denies. It is irrefutable, a slam dunk.

2) - Interrupted pregnancy, other than the first.
This is the one that the proponets of abortions deny. They say the evidence is inconclusive. They are dead wrong, and furthermore, I think they know it. I don’t think that 13 of 15 studies done in the United States and 28 of 37 worldwide, that found that abortions increase the risk of breast cancer, is inconclusive. Lab tests on rats also revealed the link.

For women who carry the first pregnancy to term but subsequently have an induced abortion, their risk of getting breast cancer, though not as great as a first pregnancy abortion, is, nonetheless, a major risk factor. If there's a history of breast cancer in the family, the risk is even greater.

STILL abortion clinics give NO warning. It is downright criminal. Abortions are elective surgeries and ALL risks and complications MUST be told to the patient, or the abortionists and the clinics are staring a law suit right in the face, a suit they CANNOT win.

Dr. Samuel S. Epstein (U. of Illinois) is a world renowned cancer expert, a liberal and 'pro-choice' on elective abortion. In a 1997 book Dr. Epstein wrote that a 25 year-old woman who undergoes an induced abortion boosts her relative breast cancer risk by about 33%. (The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, pp. 36-37)

I can’t get off this very serious subject without stating the mechanism behind the risk, which you will readily understand and will agree that abortions, whether of the first pregnancy, or subsequent ones, DO INCREASE the risk of breast cancer.

When a pregnancy occurs, there is a SURGE of the hormone estrogen, causing the breast cells to proliferate dramatically in the first trimester, in order to lay the foundation for the production of milk. These young growing cells are more prone to develop cancer.

In the second half of pregnancy, the estrogen levels RECEDE under the influence of such hormones as human placental lactogen. The immature cells then grow and differentiate rapidly into mature, specialized milk producing tissue. Once specialization has occurred, the cells are less likely to turn cancerous.

When the pregnancy is terminated by an induced abortion, these young growing cells (known as undifferentiated cells), and having undergone drastic changes are now in LIMBO. They are no longer normal breast cells, nor are they capable of producing milk.

In plain English, these insulted cells (traumatized) have been hung out to dry. They are between a rock and a hard place. Scientists have known for years that any cell in the human body that has been traumatized, whether by chemicals, radiation, micro-trauma, or any other reason, would be especially vulnerable to cancer.

One must then surmise that what has been instilled in physicians' heads from time immemorial, regarding the vulnerability of abnormal cells, is no longer valid. Certain people have put their ideology first and the health of women second when it comes to the abortion issue.

To suit their political agenda, they would have you believe that an abnormal cell is NO more prone to becoming cancerous than a normal cell. This defies all scientific knowledge, as well as common sense, and shows the depths they will go to keep the abortion industry flourishing. The health and lives of women are secondary.

It is common knowledge that a pregnancy carried to term protects against breast cancer. However, if a woman has an induced abortion, this protection is terminated.

The reason is because the proliferation of the undifferentiated, cancer vulnerable cells, by the estrogen secreted early in the pregnancy, no longer has the protection that comes from hormones released later in pregnancy, since the pregnancy has been aborted.

