Proof: The Democratic Party Mocks God - Page 2

Besides, there's the FACT that abortions increase the risk of breast cancer, and there are at least 49 published significant studies finding that induced abortions increase the risk of premature deliveries in subsequent pregnancies, resulting in low birth weights and thus the baby is more prone to develop physical and mental problems, including cerebral palsy. The reason: damage done to the cervix and lining of the uterus during an induced abortion.

Planned Parenthood and all the other abortion mills will not warn women of the above risks, nor will they inform women of the increased risks of alcohol and drug abuse and suicides after an abortion. Why? They just had their own child killed.

Also, not a peep from Democratic senators and representatives, because of their association with the billion dollar abortion industry. And these are the people who were sent by their constituents to Washington to help them in their daily struggle to survive.

As if it weren't bad enough with the Democratic party's mocking God and His Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill," but now they also embrace HOMOSEXUALITY, which is clearly condemned in the Holy Bible. You say you want proof of this; you've got it. Here is just one passage from the Bible that mentions the abomination of homosexuality.

Romans 1:27 "For their women have exchanged the natural use for that which is against nature, and in like manner the men also, having abandoned the natural use of the woman, have burned in their lusts, one toward another, men with men doing shameless things and receiving in themselves the fitting recompense of their perversity."

Let's face it. There are people who pick and choose just certain parts of the Bible to live by, whatever meets their fancy, as long as it makes their lives easier. Apparently, to many, it's also much easier on this Earth to denounce God than to be labeled a homophobic.

Homosexuality, at one time, was in all the psychiatric books as an abnormal sexual perversion, but as the morals of our country decayed and the pressure from homosexual groups mounted, it was taken out of the abnormal status in 1973, the same year that it was proclaimed that to kill unborn children would be legal.

1973 was satan’s modern day coming out party. Two of the most serious sins were now deemed acceptable, thanks to liberals, and it is no secret which party they call home.

The homosexual community used all its resources to prohibit doctors from reporting cases of AIDS to the health department as they are required to do for other sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and syphilis. The health department would then get names and addresses and try to identify all sexual partners in order to stem the tide.

These tactics work for all diseases. The gays said if you take names and addresses and report us to the health department, then you are being intolerant to a whole group of people. Give us the money and we will police ourselves and educate our community.

The government complies with both requests, only to find that gays are not getting educated, they are getting sick and spreading the disease. Then more taxpayer money is required to find a cure for HIV and AIDS. So, billions of dollars are taken away from research for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and mental illness.

Instead, gays use the money to further the homosexual agenda. It is now being introduced to our public schools as just another normal alternative lifestyle. Children cannot even be warned that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases is MUCH higher in homosexuals, not to mention the deadly AIDS virus, and that the life span of gays is 20-30 years shorter than heterosexuals, because of the easier access of the AIDS virus and other sexually transmitted diseases into the blood stream during the act of sodomy, which tears the rectal tissue and causes bleeding. God did NOT make the rectum for that purpose

You see, this would come under the umbrella of intolerance. Never mind that lives would be saved and suffering greatly diminished.

Think about it. Doctors are required to report the sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea and syphilis, to the health department in order to find the sources and to eradicate the problem. These two diseases are treatable and can be cured with antibiotics, but AIDS cases, which are much more serious, are not reported. AIDS is deadly and there is no cure for it.

Because of bisexuals, the AIDS virus found a home in heterosexuals. So, it is no longer a disease of homosexuals, although the rate is MUCH higher in that lifestyle from sheer mechanics alone.

This is where liberalism and the Democratic Party have taken us. The very word, liberal, means: "To allow more of, not limited to established or traditional views." In other words, anything goes, whatever makes you feel good. They believe their stand on these issues will garner votes. They are relying on the moral degeneracy of our country to be elected.

The fact that thousands of women are dying every year from breast cancer, solely from the fact that they had an induced abortion, is also ignored by the Democratic Party, because they are in bed with the billion dollar abortion industry.

Click: Abortion-Breast Cancer for details.

The Declaration of Independence, which says, "all men are created equal," isn't worth the paper it's written on, to them. Apparently, Democrats think "created" and "born" are synonymous. We now have DNA as the ultimate proof that human life is created at conception. It was not available in 1973 (Roe v. Wade) and it was readily admitted in the majority opinion that no one knows when human life begins. Now, we DO KNOW.

Is there any doubt that the Democratic Party is the party of misery and death? So, I ask you: which party do you think satan is drooling over, and which party brings tears to the eyes of God?

Because of the Democratic Party, people of faith are called "the religious right," and if you attend church every week, you are a "religious fanatic."

They are trying to give religion a connotation of something that a normal person should have no part of, akin to an evil preoccupation.

If by now, you are still not convinced that the Democratic Party has become satan’s pride and joy, then you have not read this with an open mind, or you do NOT really and truly and down deep in your heart believe in God and that He will judge us all for our sins of commission and sins of omission. OR, you, YOURSELF, wallow in depravity. You prefer to live in a world where anything goes. Even your children, if you have any, have to take a back seat to your self-indulgent existence.

Show me a person who accepts the proposition that a women should have the right to have her unborn child killed (pro-choice) and/or embraces homosexuality and I will show you a person who condones sin.

Show me a person who condones sin and I will show you a person who will NEVER see GOD.

The evidence is clear; the Democratic Party has chosen satan over God.

Frank Joseph MD
Email: DFjosephMD
