Killing is not a Human Right

A letter to Julie Chen, host of CBS’s “Early Show” from Ronald J. Galloy, Director of Life: God's Sacred Gift

March 15, 2006

Julie Chen, Host
CBS Early Show
524 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

Dear Ms. Chen,

I write regarding your March 7th, presentation on South Dakota's abortion restrictions. The reason I write is to explain why respect for life is not a genuine debate nor killing a human right. I begin by explaining why all human life is morally equivalent so you will understand.

The Value of Life

Ms. Chen, every person is unique, physically different and set apart. Even each individual is different physically throughout his or her existence. We begin as an embryo and change continually throughout our lives. Life therefore, is the only human constant from conception to death and means human dignity can be based only on this. When it is not, the line that is applied to human life is made arbitrary. We have seen this problem before.

Mistaken Semantics

In this segment you used the term "abortion 'rights' supporters." This is a term that abortion advocates use for themselves to sell the sanctioned killing of unborn children. Since killing can never be a genuine human right, calling it such will never make it so. Instead, it's like calling a wolf a sheep to gain acceptance of the wolf, which makes it an oxymoron. It also epitomizes the prophet's words - Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20. Child killing supporter is the honest term.

For example, would you call killing Jewish people in Nazi Germany a "right" just because the high court of the land declared it? Certainly you wouldn't. Or in the case of slavery, do you think property "rights" or states "rights" is honest phrasing for those who tried to justify the evil of slavery? Of course you don't, even though Dred Scott did. Lincoln said, "I can think of many people who think we should have slavery but of no one who wants to be a slave." It showed their hypocrisy. When you apply this quote to abortion it shows the same.

Presenting the Objective as Subjective

Nor is destroying innocent human life an "issue" in a genuine sense. When something is objectively wrong it needs to be presented that way. In the case of racism, you present one side as right and the other as wrong. Although you could find many people who could articulate support for racism, you don't present them because you know it's objectively wrong. The same is true for abortion. We are talking about destroying innocent human life itself.

Ms. Chen, until every preborn child's life is protected by law and every pregnant woman accepted for her condition, genuine bigotry against them remains. Your enormous influence, combined with objective reporting, will [could] help bring the day when bigotry is held [harbored] against no one. A beautiful day it will be. You need to change.

Sincerely in our Lord of life,
Ronald J. Galloy, Director

CC: Leslie Moonves, President, CBS
Sean McManus, President, CBS "News"
Linda Mason, Vice President / CBS Standards
