The Barbaric Partial-birth Abortion

The e-mail addresses and phone numbers of senators who voted not to ban them are at the end of this article.

It's all political. To these people, human life takes a back seat to votes. They are a disgrace and are not competent to represent anyone.

During the Clinton/Gore administration, the House and Senate twice overwhelmingly passed a ban that would outlaw the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. The last Senate vote was 63 to 34 with three Senators absent, but fell at least two votes shy of the crucial 67 votes needed to overturn President Clinton's veto. The House had enough votes to override Clinton's veto.

In this gruesome procedure, the entire baby is delivered except for the head, which they make sure stays in the birth canal (otherwise it would be murder), then the back of the baby's head is punctured with scissors and the baby's brains are sucked out. It's enough to make you cry. How in the world, can a society condone such barbarism?

Clinton’s excuse was that it did not allow an exemption in rare cases when it is needed to protect a woman's health. What a lousy excuse. To protect a women's health would include the following: "Doctor, if I go through with this pregnancy, I’ll become a nervous wreck."

Women's health, could mean just about anything. Such a "broad catch all," would be no problem for any doctor to overcome. She can even say, "I get severe headaches when I just think about my pregnancy," or, "it depresses me, or makes me ill," or a thousand other excuses and Clinton knows that. The unmitigated gall of Clinton and the rest of the PCKU, knows no bounds. Such effrontery, to insist on a worthless clause in the ban, is an insult to jurisprudence. They must think we all just fell of a turnip truck.

Polls show that 80% of the American people want this cruel procedure banned, but Clinton didn't care what the American people want, unless it reflected his liberal Democratic views.

The views of the American people only mattered to Clinton when he and his White House spinmasters and the Democratic elected officials were all over TV, saying, during the impeachment hearings, that the polls showed that 60% of the American people didn't want Clinton removed from office, even though he lied under oath and continually used the taxpayer's Oval Office for a motel.

They said, "we must give the American people what they want." WHAT HYPOCRISY! Clinton and the rest of his followers, just used the American people when it suited their agenda.

Why couldn’t they hear the voice, which is loud and clear, of the American people when it comes to partial-birth abortions?

The evil of this barbaric procedure is only surpassed by the evil minds of those who did NOT want it banned.

For Clinton and his Democratic buddies to say that this gruesome procedure is necessary, because it is needed to protect the health of women, is the most ridiculous and unintelligent statement that I have ever heard, coming from a supposedly intelligent man. IT IS NEVER NEEDED.

It’s all political. It's payback time to Planned Parenthood and all the other abortion mills and all the pro-choicers who got him and the rest of the liberals elected. They sold their souls to the devil for votes. Human lives means nothing to them.

One would think that common decency would have precedence over politics. On a scale of life, these people are a notch below the animal kingdom. How many animals do you know of, that kill their young, while they're being born?

If you detect anger in my words, you are right. I just can’t sit back and have these sadistic people murder thousands of defenseless innocent children every year, while they're being born. Not only are they killed, but the manner in which they're killed is gruesome, and a new low for mankind.

This procedure is just plain MURDER; of this, there can be no doubt to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. How could any human being on the face of this earth, not be horrified of this inhumane procedure? We are becoming a nation of self-indulgent people, with the morals of an alley cat. The degeneracy of our once Godly country should be a major concern for everyone. Thanks to the liberal Democrats, this country is going to hell in a handbasket so fast, that Satan has got to be ecstatic.

The Democrats acted as if there was no God. Even if they don't believe in God, you'd think, that just out of compassion and common decency, they'd want this horrific procedure banned.

Thank God that George W. Bush is now our president. He is pro-life and has signed the ban which again was passed in congress, thanks mainly to Republicans.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said it "could identify no circumstances under which this procedure, would save the life or preserve the health of the woman." The Journal Of The American Medical Association (8-26-98 issue) featured an article stating that partial-birth abortion is unsafe for pregnant women, painful for unborn children and unethical because of questions about fetal viability.

"But to heck with the medical profession, I know more than they do," has GOT to be the thinking of Clinton. "And besides, I've got to repay the people who got me elected."

They even ignored the fact that recent reliable studies show that babies, who are killed after 20 weeks of gestation, suffer excruciating pain when they are killed, some studies, even earlier. The reason is because these young babies' immune system to pain has not developed, so even slight pain would be magnified.

It has been shoved down our throats by the liberal Democrats, that THEY are the compassionate ones and the Republicans are cold hearted. They, the liberals, feel everyone's pain. They run to the rescue of the downtrodden and the indigent. This is pure unadulterated garbage.

To measure someone's love and compassion is all but impossible. What is the motive of the people who want unborn babies killed on demand? Is it ulterior in nature? What is the motive of people, who want to save human lives? How do we measure what's down deep in a person's heart and soul? Is there some kind of a measuring stick?

The answer, of course, is no, only God knows. BUT, the closest thing to a true measuring stick is how one feels about preserving the sanctity of human life. It is not about donating money to Planned Parenthood and other killing clinics, or perpetuating the notion that women should have the choice to kill their unborn baby, even when he/she is 3/4 out of the vaginal canal and is viable. And if the baby suffers excruciating pain in the process well, that's just too bad.

And if the mother develops serious mental problems, after she has her unborn child killed, so what? If she increases her risk, of getting breast cancer, so what? If she develops other complications and dies, well, that's just part of the game. We just can't have them going to some dark alley where a rusty coat hanger awaits them.

Every time I hear that hanger myth, my blood boils. Only 39 deaths were recorded the year before Roe v. Wade. The years following, the amount has quadrupled yearly. Click on "Safe Abortions are Science Fiction."

