New Poll Shows Majority of Americans
Oppose Most or All Abortions

Regarding the following articles:

So, when a member of the "Party of Death" screams that most Americans want women to have their reproductive freedom (their way of saying, "killing their own child") you can step up and say, "you sir/madam are a liar. Being a Democrat, you wouldn't know anything about honoring the sanctity of human life, because the devil has taken over your party, lock, stock and barrel."

To give you yet another example (in the second article, below) of the Democratic Party's support of baby killing, besides it being the cornerstone of their party's platform, the latest is Senator Barak Obama, an Illinois Democrat calling the actions of pro-lifers, "silly."

How about that? It is now SILLY to try to save lives. I do believe that they are the exact words that satan would also use.

Frank Joseph MD

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Oppose Most or All Abortions

Richmond, VA ( -- A new poll conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University shows a majority of Americans say abortions should either always be illegal or that abortions should be allowed in only very rare circumstances.

In summary, most Americans oppose most abortions. Asked which of three views on abortion comes closest to representing theirs, 12 percent of those polled said abortions should always be illegal. Another 44 percent said abortions should be allowed only in cases of rape or incest or when the pregnancy directly endangers the mother's physical health.

Such cases constitute as little as 2 or 3 percent of all reasons for an abortion, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood.

Just 39 percent in the VCU survey say abortions should always be legal. That means 56 percent of Americans oppose approximately 97 percent of the abortions performed annually in the United States and fewer than 4 in 10 support abortion [on demand].

That squares with other recent polls. An August 2005 CBS News poll found 53 percent of respondents said all or most abortions should not be permitted and only 43 percent said all or most abortions should be permitted.

Senator Slams Pro-Life Groups Criticizing American Girl on Abortion

Omaha, NE ( -- A pro-abortion U.S. senator is slamming pro-life groups who have raised concerns about the American Girl doll company's partnership with a girl's group that backs abortion.

Pro-life organizations have threatened a national boycott if the company doesn't pull out from its partnership with Girl's Inc. Sen. Barak Obama, an Illinois Democrat, called the criticism and possible boycott and overreaction.

"It's just silly," said Obama. "This is a classic example of overreaction and a lack of proportion. An organization like this plays a vital part in making certain we are opening up our windows and letting our girls look upon the horizon and see which path they want to follow," he said.

Obama's comments came during a speach to the Omaha, Nebraska chapter of Girls Inc., a group that helps girls with self-esteem and school-related issues but also supports abortion and the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized it.
