Christina Yeah, I used to talk to a clinic worker who became an activist because she took a friend to an abortion mill and saw the protestors and thought, "A woman shouldn't have to go through all that just to have an abortion!" The question, "Ought the woman to be having the abortion to begin with?" never entered her mind. Also, she insisted that the prolifers "lie" because what's in the suction trap doesn't look like a "baby." I asked her, "Do you look at the ultrasound before the abortion?" She said, "Of course; I size the pregnancies." I asked, "do you see something with arms and legs and so forth on the ultrasound? Does that thing on the ultrasound look and act like what the prolifers are talking about?" And she said, "Of course." So I asked, "What happens in between the ultrasound and the suction trap?" She said, "I never thought of that." Interesting lady. I've been told by insiders that there are definate "do" and "don't" lists if you want to reach the woman: 1. DO have only a few people. Too many are intimidating and will only frighten/anger her. 2. DO have middle-age or older women if possible be the ones that approach the woman. 3. DO smile, say something friendly, (like, "While you're waiting, you can look this over and maybe come out and talk to us. We'll be here if you want us.") and hand her a pamphlet that describes services available and stories of women you've helped to avoid abortion. 4. DO engage in friendly conversation with escorts. Let them tell you why they're there, and just shut up and listen for a change. Answer their questions rather than volunteer stuff. 5. DO remain calm and low-key. 1. DON'T mob the place or descend on her when she gets out of the car. 2. DON'T yell at her -- not even "We're here to help you!" All she'll hear is the yelling. 3. DON'T have men or very young women approach the woman unless they're the only people available. 4. DON'T have gruesome fetus pictures. That only hardens their resolve and makes them hate you. 5. DON'T say things like, "Don't kill your baby." It works like the graphic gruesome fetus pictures. 6. DON'T quote Scriptures, or throw religious speak at her. She feels alienated enough from God as it is. Plus it will just annoy her. 7. DON'T block or hinder cars or pedestrians. That just hardens people's resolve. I've heard from women who showed up for their abortions hoping there'd be prolifers there to talk them out of it, and took the absense of protesters as a sign from God to go ahead with the abortion because nobody cared.