Women Speak Out

My Body

Skye Hardwick

This poem was written by a birth mother who chose adoption...

For years I have cursed you, despising the very sight of you.
For years I have hurt you, one of my most prized possessions.
But now, I am in full bloom.
Womanhood has passed, now it is Motherhood you prepare for.
I gaze upon you now in complete awe.
You change and conform to the high demands placed upon you.
Before my eyes you blossom.
Oh, but the treasure you hid within my swelling belly.
Harboring a sweet innocent deep beneath your walls.
A squirming, hungry, growing dependent you embrace.
Nourishing and Nurturing the little one long before my eyes may see her.
You stretch, swell, ache and hurt.
All you do in sacrifice for my precious seed.
So selflessly you honor the quest God has installed within you...
You waited for the perfect moment to begin this journey.
Forgiving all the past sins committed against you,
Forgetting all the harsh words hurled upon you.
You truly are Beautiful for all that you are...
It is now time for I to be as selfless as you.
I must say good-bye to my first born love.
I have the assurance that you, my body, shall recover,
But I fear it will not be so easy for my Heart....

Copyright © 1999 Skye Hardwick

Another of Skye's poems, "Honoring Veteran Birthmothers", can be viewed here.

Skye also maintains a Birthmom support list. For information, please email her or visit Hannah's Choice Join.

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Women Speak Out